Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The joys of friends

/rant on

I love it when so-called friends suddenly turn psycho for no apparent reason and flip out on you. I don't know if I subconsciously attract these freaks or just have bad luck but it's getting old. If you're gonna be a psycho that's fine, just be a psycho with someone else, it's getting old.

While I'm on a rant, am I the only person that finds some friends just change and stop talking to you for no reason? There's never any explanation given, not even a message to say they don't want to talk to you any more, they just stop talking and replying to you completely. Is it so hard to give a reason? Hell make one up if you have to I don't care, I just get so frustrated when they can't even be bothered to tell you. Swear at me, call me names, whatever... just tell me you don't want to talk to me and preferably give a reason.

/rant off

In other news, I have a 'fun' eye infection! So sore, so red and oozes yucky stuff at regular intervals. I have eye drops but it'll still take a few days to clear up, in the meantime I'm wearing shades.... while it's pouring with rain and grey outside. I don't know if I'd get more weird looks without the shades or with them but I'm keeping them on, they make me look cool *struts*