Wednesday, April 26, 2006

To trust or not to trust? That is the question...

I'd arranged to meet somebody today at 12pm to goto the movies and was so nervous, but also a little worried that they wouldn't show. I managed to convince myself that I was being paranoid and get myself out of the house with plenty of time to spare so decided to wander around a few shops and see if there was anything that demanded my cash while I waited. Nothing really caught my attention and the time was around 11:50am so I sent a text message to ask where she was and let her know that I was doing a few things while I was out.

Anyway to cut a long, and rather boring story short, it was about 12:15pm and still no sign of her so I sent another text saying if she wasn't there in 10 minutes I'd be leaving. She didn't turn up, so I went to get something to eat, got a magazine and went home feeling a bit upset but angry. I'd worried a lot that she wouldn't turn up and she hadn't, no messages, nothing.

About 3pm I get a message from her number (supposedly not her) saying that she'd fainted, hit her head badly and was in hospital. This is the dilema I've got now, do I believe that and give her the benefit of the doubt or cut my losses and run? I wish I knew what to do because part of me wants to really rip into her for not showing but there's part of me that wants to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe I'm too trusting for my own good....

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