Thursday, March 30, 2006

The evil inside: your subconscious!

I've noticed an increasing trend lately whereby anything I've been looking for in my room (a cd / dvd, .. erm... ok so that's the only thing I lose) is buried under a large amount of clothes, computer magazines and other things that need to be tidied up. It's probably my own fault for being so lazy and not cleaning more often but I'm almost convinced now that my subconscious hides things I want under the junk just to make me have to clean up once in a while.

Speaking of cds / dvds, it brings up another bad habit I have. I'll try to make this simple with a few graphics and limiting it to 3 games.
in PS2
in B
in C

OK in the above table there are 3 games but this could easily apply to music cds, movies.. you get the idea. "A" is currently in the PS2 but I want to play "B", a sensible idea would be to take "A" out of the PS2 and put it back in box "A". Sensible perhaps but that is far too much work for someone as lazy as me. Opening two boxes? Bah! I'll just put "B" in the PS2 and put "A" in box "B" and change them back later. Now I want to play "C" but another bout of laziness has struck and so "C" goes into the PS2 and now "B" ends up in box "C". So from the above example you end up with something like this.
in B
in C
in PS2

It's relatively simple looking at it that way and wouldn't be hard to find the right game if it was only 3 games but if these three are then mixed in with more games and it continues on this way and you forget which game is in which box it gets very hard to track down the disc you want.

Hopefully that and the very untidy state of my room will give you a rough idea of what I'm dealing with and help you understand why it took me over 2 hours of cleaning, tidying up and searching through boxes for the one I wanted. Every time it happens I swear I won't do it again and then I feel lazy and slip back into the old habit. Am I the only one that does this sort of thing? I hope not.

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